Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Cadal cha dean mi |
I can get no sleep |
Sùgradh cha dean mise |
I cannot make merry |
Nochd chan fhaigh mi tàmh |
Tonight I can get no rest |
'S gun mo ghràdh a tighinn |
Since my love is not coming |
Cadal cha dean mi |
I can get no sleep |
Chì mi, chì mi bhuam |
I see, I see yonder |
Chì mi luaidh mo chridhe |
I see the love of my heart |
Chì mi seachad suas |
I see passing by |
Buaireadair nan nighean |
The one who turns girls' heads |
Cadal cha dean mi |
I can get no sleep |
Chan ann dubh no ruadh |
Not black nor red-haired |
A tha luaidh mo chridhe |
Is the love of my heart |
Ach gu dualach bàn |
His flowing locks are fair |
Ailleagan nan gillean |
The handsomest of lads |
Cadal cha dean mi |
I can get no sleep |
Chiòbair thu le'd chù |
Skilled shepherd with your dog |
Sealgair thu le'd ghunna |
Skilled hunter with your gun |
Maraiche nan tonn |
Skilled sailor of the seas |
Chuireadh long bho h-uigheam |
To sail a full-rigged ship |
Cadal cha dean mi |
I can get no sleep |
Cha b'ann an taigh sùidh |
It was not in a sooty black house |
Bha mi'n dùil a bhithinn |
I thought it would be |
Ach an taigh geal ùr |
But in a fine white-washed house |
Cuir cùiteir ri uinneig |
Hanging curtains on a window |
Cadal cha dean mi |
I can get no sleep |
Dhìrich mi'n Càrn Bàn |
I climbed Carn Bàn |
Fhuair mi aite suidh ann |
I found a place to sit there |
Dh'fhaicinn Rubha Stòir |
To watch the Point of Stoer |
Far'n do sheol do luingeas |
Where your ship had sailed |
Cadal cha dean mi |
I can get no sleep |
Shèid a ghaoith a thuath |
The north wind blew |
Nuas troimh'n Chaolas Chumhang |
Down through the Sound of Kyleshu |
Dhiult i tighinn mu'n cuairt |
She refused to go about |
'S bhuail i air an rubha |
And struck upon the headland |
Cadal cha dean mi |
I can get no sleep |
Bhuail i air an tràigh |
She struck upon the shore |
Far a fàs an duileasg |
Where the dulse grows |
Leum thu aiste, ghraidh |
You leaped overboard, my love |
'S shàbhail thu iad uile |
And you saved all of them |
Cadal cha dean mi |
I can get no sleep |