Celtic Lyrics Corner > Puirt a Beul > Null thar nan eileanan

Null thar nan eileanan

Sčist: Chorus:
A-null thar nan eileanan Over the islands
Dh'Aimeireaga gun tčid sinn To America we will go
A-null thar nan eileanan Over the islands
Dh'Aimeireaga gun tčid sinn To America we will go
A-null thar nan eileanan Over the islands
Dh'Aimeireaga gun tčid sinn To America we will go
A-null rathad Shasainn Over via England
Agus dhachaigh rathad Čirinn And home via Ireland
B'e siud am port a bh'againne That was our tune
Dol seachad air Dun Čideann Passing Edinburgh
B'e siud am port a bh'againne That was our tune
Dol seachad air Dun Čideann Passing Edinburgh
B'e siud am port a bh'againne That was our tune
Dol seachad air Dun Čideann Passing Edinburgh
A-null rathad Shasainn Over via England
Agus dhachaigh rathad Čirinn And home via Ireland
Bha pėoban gan spreigeadh The pipers were blown up
Agus feadanan gan gleusadh And the chanters were tuned
Bha pėoban gan spreigeadh The pipers were blown up
Agus feadanan gan gleusadh And the chanters were tuned
Bha pėoban gan spreigeadh The pipers were blown up
Agus feadanan gan gleusadh And the chanters were tuned
A h-uile fear le ėt' na bhonaid Each man with a feather in his bonnet
Sporain air is fčileadh A sporan and a kilt
B'e siud na gillean togarrach They were lively lads
B'e siud na gillean čibhinn They were amusing lads
B'e siud na gillean togarrach They were lively lads
B'e siud na gillean čibhinn They were amusing lads
B'e siud na gillean togarrach They were lively lads
B'e siud na gillean čibhinn They were amusing lads
B'e siud na gillean sgiobalta They were nimble lads
Is b'iullagach an ceuman With frolicsome steps
Mun dh'fhāg sinn crėochan Shasainn Before we left the English borders
Agus dhealaich sinn ri chčile And parted from each other
Mun dh'fhāg sinn crėochan Shasainn Before we left the English borders
Agus dhealaich sinn ri chčile And parted from each other
Mun dh'fhāg sinn crėochan Shasainn Before we left the English borders
Agus dhealaich sinn ri chčile And parted from each other
Gun b'aighearach na caileagan The girls were lively
A' crathadh an cuid bhrčidean Shaking their braids



"Hebridean Hale-Bopp" on Capercaillie's album Beautiful Wasteland
"Puirt A Beul" on Dōchas' album An Dārna Umhail