Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Capercaillie > Sidewaulk > Iain Ghlinn' Cuaich

Sidewaulk Iain Ghlinn' Cuaich
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Capercaillie
Appears On: Sidewaulk; Live In Concert
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "Iain Ghlinn Cuaich" on Cliar's album Grinn Grinn
"Iain Ghlinn Cuaich" on Flora MacNeil's album Craobh Nan Ubhal
"Iain Ghlinne Cuaich" on Rachel Walker's album Bràighe Loch Iall

Lyrics: English Translation:
O Iain Ghlinn' Cuaich Oh John of Glencuaich
Fear do choltais cha dual da fàs It does not seem right that you should be so beautiful
Cùl bachlach nan dual Your tresses, in ringlets
'S e gu camlubach suas gu bhàrr Are tightly curled to the tips
'S i do phearsa dheas ghrinn Your upright, handsome appearance
A dh'fhàg mi cho tinn le gràdh Has left me love-sick
'S nach 'eil cron ort ri inns' And you are faultless
O mhullach do chinn gu d'sàil From head to heel
Ach an trian dhe do chliù But, my love, I cannot relate
Cha chuir mise, a rùin an céill One-third of your merits
'S caoimh' faiteal dhe d'ghnùis Your presence is more refreshing
Na ùr choille fo dhrùchd re gréin Than the sun-kissed, dew-bedecked young trees
Gum b' e miann mo dhà shùil I long to have you
A bhith sealltainn gu dlúth ad dhéidh Always within my sight
'S math a b'airidh mo rùn-s' My beloved is well worthy
Air ban-oighre a' chrùin fo sgéith Of defending a royal heiress
Iain, Iain, a ghaoil John, John, my love
Cuim' a leig thu mi faoin air chùl Why did you abandon me so completely
Gun ghuth cuimhn' air a' ghaol Without any reminder
A bh'againn araon air tùs? Of the mutual love we once shared?
Cha tug mise mo spéis I have never loved
Do dh'fear eile fo'n ghréin ach thu Any other man on earth but you
Is cha toir as do dhéidh Nor will I ever love anyone else
Gus an càirear mo chré 'san ùir 'Til my body is interred in the soil
Ged a chinn thu rium fuar Although your feelings towards me have turned cold
Bheil thu, Iain, gun truas 's mi 'm chàs Are you, John, without pity for me in my plight
'S a liuthad là agus chuir When you so often declared
Thu 'n céill gum bu bhuan do ghràdh? Your undying love for me?
Ach ma chaochail mi bhuaidh But if I have changed so in character
'S gun so choisinn mi t'fhuath na t-fhearg That I have earned your hatred and anger
Tha mo bheannachd ad dhéidh My blessings still go with you
'S feuch an tagh thu dhuit fhéin nas fhèarr And if you can, try to choose someone better