Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
O, Iain Ghlinn Cuaich |
John of Glen Quoich |
Fear do choltais cha dual da fàs |
One of your mein is unlikely to appear |
Do chùl bachlach nan dual |
Your curly, ringletted hair |
'S e gu camlubach suas gu bhàrr |
In twisting coils up to the crown |
'S i do phearsa dheas ghrinn |
Your fine, handsome figure |
A dh'fhàg mise cho tinn le gràdh |
Has made me ache with love |
'S nach eil cron ort ri inns' |
Since there is no fault to be found in you |
O mhullach do chinn gu d' shàil |
From the top of your head to the soles of your feet |
'S mór mo mhulad mun sgeul |
Great is my grief for the tale |
Seo tha 'n-diugh ann am beul gach neach |
That is on everyone's lips today |
'S e chuir m' acain cho geur |
What has made the hurt so piercing |
Gura sgeul e nach fheud mi chleith |
Is that it's a tale that I cannot conceal |
Thoir an t-soraidh seo bhuam |
Bear this farewell to the young man |
Dh'fhios an fhleasgaich as uaisle dreach |
Of the noblest appearance |
A dh'fhàg aicead am thaobh |
Who has left a pain in my side |
Chuir saighead an aoig fo m'chneas |
Which has put the arrow of death into my breast |
Ach ged thug mi mo ghaol |
But although I have given love |
Air dhòigh is nach faod mi chleith |
Such that I cannot hide it |
Cha b' e gille bochd truagh |
It was not a poor immature lad |
Ris'n do tharraing mi suas mar fhear |
To whom I was drawn as a spouse |
Ach am fiùran deas ùr |
But a fresh, handsome young blade |
A dhìreadh an stùc-bheinn chas |
Who could climb the steep precipitous heights |
Dhèanadh fuil air an driùchd |
And would get blood on the dew |
Leis a' ghunna nach diùltadh srad |
With the gun that never misfired |
Iain, Iain a ghaoil |
John, John, my love |
Cuim a chuir thu mi faoin air chùl |
Why did you throw me so lightly aside |
Gun chuimhn' air a ghaol |
With no remembrance for the love |
A bha againn araon air tùs |
We had together at the beginning? |
'S nach eil fear tha fon ghréin |
There is no man under the sun |
Dhan tug mi mo spéis ach thu |
But you to whom I gave my love |
Is cha tabhair ad dhéidh |
Nor will there be after you |
Gus an càirear mo chré san ùir? |
Until my body is interred in the earth |
Ged a chinn thu rium fuar |
Although you became cold towards me |
Bheil thu Iain gun truas 's mi 'm chàs |
Are you without pity, John |
'S liuthad là agus chuir |
For my distress when you declared |
Thu 'n céill gum bu bhuan do ghràdh |
So many times that your love would endure? |
Ach ma chaochail mi bhuait |
But if I have changed in winsomeness |
'S gun do choisinn mi d'fhuath no d' fhearg |
And have earned your hate or your anger |
Nis mo bheannachd ad dhéidh |
My blessing goes with you now |
'S feuch an tagh thu dhut fhéin nas fhèarr |
And be sure to choose someone better for yourself |