Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
O Iain Ghlinn Cuaich |
Oh Iain of Glen Quoich |
Fear do choltais cha dual da fàs |
It is not often that one encounters your like |
Cùl bachlach nan dual |
That ringletted head of hair |
'S e gu camlùbach suas gu bhàrr |
Curled right to the roots |
'S i do phearsa dheas ghrinn |
It was your beautiful, handsome appearance |
A dh'fhàg mi cho tinn le gràdh |
That left me lovesick |
'S nach eil cron ort ri inns |
And there is no fault to be noted |
O mhullach do chinn gu d' shàil |
About you from head to toe |
Ach an trian dhe do chliù |
I can't begin to express |
Cha chuir mise a rùin an cèill |
A third of your worth |
'S caoimh faiteal dhe d' ghnùis |
Better to catch a glimpse of your face |
Na ùr choille do dhriùchd ri grèin' |
Than the new-grown dew-laden forest in sun |
Gum b' e miann mo dhà shùil |
The desire of my eyes |
A bhith 'sealltainn gu dlùth a d' dhèidh |
Is to catch close sight of you |
'S math a b' airidh mo rùn-s' |
My love deserves a crowned heiress |
Air ban-oighre a' chrùin fo sgèith |
Under his protection |
Iain, Iain a ghaoil |
Iain, Iain, my love |
Cuim' a leig thu mi faoin air chùl? |
Why did you turn your back on me? |
Gun ghuth chuimhn' air a' ghaol |
Without a thought for the love |
A bh' againn araon air tùs |
That we once had |
Cha tug mise mo spèis |
I never gave my respect |
Do dh'fear eile fon ghrèin ach thu |
To any other man under the sun but you |
Is cha toir as do dhèidh |
And neither will I |
Gus an càirear mo chrè 's an ùir |
'Til my body is beneath the ground |
Ged a chinn thu rium fuar |
Although you have turned cold towards me |
Bheil thu Iain, gun truas 's mi 'm chàs? |
Are you, Iain, without pity, and I in this state? |
'S a liuthad latha agus uair |
Despite the many days and times |
Chuir thu 'n cèill gum bu bhuam do ghràdh |
You told me our love was forever |
Ach ma chaochaill mi buaidh |
But if my effect on you has changed |
'S gun do choisinn mi t' fhuath na t' fhearg |
And earned your hate or anger |
Tha mo bheannachd ad dhèidh |
I still send you my blessing |
'S feuch an tagh thu dhut fhèin nas fheàrr |
And see that you choose a better one for yourself |