Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Dheanainn súgradh ris an nigh'n dubh |
I'd have fun with the dark-haired maiden |
'N deidh dhomb éirigh as a 'mhadainn |
And rise early in the morning |
Dheanainn súgradh ris an nigh'n dubh |
I'd have fun with the dark-haired maiden |
Dheanainn súgradh ris a' ghruagaich |
I'd have fun with the lass |
Nuair a bhiodh a' sluagh nan cadal |
While the world would be sleeping |
Dheanainn súgradh ris an am dúsgadh |
I'd have fun with __ |
'N am na siúil a bhith 'gham pasgadh |
When I should be folding the sail |
Di-Luain an déidh Di-Domhnaich |
On a Monday after Sunday |
Dh'fhalbh sinn le Seònaid a Arcaibh |
We left with Jane from Orkney |
Bha muir gorm a'ruith fo cuinnlein |
Blue sea was running under the stubble |
'S i cur still a grunnd an aigeil |
And sending torrents from the bottom of the abyss |
Riof 'gha ceangal 's riof 'gha fuasgladh |
A reef being tied and a reef being loosened |
Muir ma guallain fuaim is fead oirr |
The sea at her back noisy and whistling |
Null ma Chaolas na Ròimh |
There about the Strait of Rome |
B'fheudar dhuinn am bòm a leaiseadh |
We needed to lash the boom |
Null ma Chaolas na Fraing |
There about the Strait of France |
Maide 'na làimh 's gaoth 'gha greasad |
The stick was in the hand and the wind was driving |
Gu 'm bithidh buill nach feum a splaghsáil |
Oh there will be ropes that do not need splicing |
Ar mo mhaighdean as a thigh'n dhachaidh |
On my maiden coming home |
Dh'fheumadh pòrsan thigh'n a búth dhith |
You would need a portion coming from her shop |
Ged a bhiodh e crún an cairteal |
Although it was a crown a quarter |
Ged a bhiodh e crún an óirleach |
Although it would be a crown an inch |
Dh'fheumadh pòrsan dheth thigh'n dhachaidh |
You would need a portion of it coming home |