Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus: |
Dheannain sùgradh ris a nighean duibh |
I played with the young dark-haired girl |
N' deidh dhomh eirigh as a 'mhadainn |
When I woke in the morning |
Dheannain sùgradh ris a nighean duibh |
I played with the young dark-haired girl |
Dheannain sùgradh ris a'ghruagaich |
I played with the long-haired girl |
'Nuair a bhiodh a' sluagh nan codal |
When everyone was asleep |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Dheannain sùgradh an àm dùsgaidh |
I played when we woke |
'N àm na siùil a bhith 'gam pasgadh |
And when the sails were unfurled |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Di-Luain an dèidh Di-dòmhnaich |
On Monday, after Sunday |
Dh'fhalbh sinn le Seonaid a Aircaibh |
We left the Orkneys on the Seonaid |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Riof 'ga ceangal 's riof ga fhuasgladh |
Reefs taken in and reefs shaken |
Muir ma guallain, fuaim is fead oirr' |
Waves under her bow, and her booming and whistling |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Is Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
Nach í seo aniar an bád |
Is that not the boat coming from the west? |
Is Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
'S mo ghrá ar an mbuille láir |
And my love at the mid-oar? |
Is Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
Is Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
Is iarram ar Rí na ngrást |
And I ask the King of grace |
Is Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
Mo ghrá a thabhairt chugam slán |
To bring my love safely to me |
Is Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
Dún Drumuilliún, muilliún, muilliún |
'Null ma chaolas na Ròimh |
Across the straits of Rome |
B'fheudar dhuinn an "boom" a leaiseadh |
We had to keep a tight grip on the boom |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Null ma chaolas na Fraing |
Across the narrow waters of France |
Maide 'na làimh is gaoth 'gha greasadh |
She was under control and the wind driving us |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Dh'fheumadh pòrsan thigh 'nn à bùth dhith |
She wouldn't want a gift from a market |
Ged a bhiodh e crùn an cairteal |
If a crown was her share |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Ged a bhiodh e crùn an óirleach |
Even if it were a crown of gold |
Dh'fheumadh pòrsan dheith thigh 'nn dhachaidh |
She wouldn't want a gift brought home to her |
(Sèist...) |
(Chorus...) |