Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Cha b'e sneachda 's an reòthadh bho thuath |
It was not the snow and the frost from the north |
Cha b'e 'n crannadh geur fuar bho 'n ear |
It was not the sharp, cold blasts from the east |
Cha b'e 'n t-uisge 's a'ghaillionn bho 'n iar |
It was not the rain and the storms from the west |
Ach an galair a bhlian bho 'n deas |
But the disease from the south that has starved |
Blàth, duilleach, stoc, agus freumh |
The bloom, foliage, stalk and root |
Cànan mo threubh 's mo shluaidh |
Of the language of my race and my people |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Thig thugainn, thig cò'ruim gu siar |
Come with us, come with me to the west |
Gus an cluinn sinn ann cànan nam Féinn |
Until we hear the language of the Feín |
Thig thugainn, thig cò'ruim gu siar |
Come with us, come with me to the west |
Gus an cluinn sinn ann cànan nan Gàidheal |
Until we hear the language of the Gael |
Nuair chithear fear-fèilidh'sa ghleann |
When a kilted man was seen in the glen |
Bu chinnteach gur Gàidhlig a' chainnt |
It was certain that Gaelic was his language |
Nuair a spion iad a threumh as an fhonn |
But they have torn his roots from the ground |
'N àite Gàidhlig tha cànan a ghoill |
In place of Gaelic is the Lowlander's language |
'S a Ghaidhealtachd creadhal-nan-sonn |
And the Highlands, cradle of heroes |
'S tìr "Mhajors" is "Cholonels" 'n diugh innt' |
Today is the land of majors and colonels |
"Thoir a nuas dhuinn na coinnleirean òr |
"Bring us down the golden candlesticks |
'S annt caraibh na coinnlean geal cèir |
And place in them candles of white wax |
Lasaibh suas iad an seòmair a'bhròin |
Light them in the chamber of sorrow |
Tìgh-aire seann chànan a' Ghàidheil" |
The wake-house of the Gael's old language" |
'Se siud o chionn fhad' thuirt an nàmh |
That's what the enemy has long been saying |
Ach fhathast tha beò cànan a' Gàidheal |
But the language of the Gael still lives |
Ged theich i le beath' às na glinn |
Although she escaped with her life from the glens |
Ged na cluinnear a-nis muigh i's an Dùn |
Although she's not heard in the castle |
O Dhùthaich MhicAoidh, fada tuath |
From Mackay's county in the far north |
Gu an ruig thu Druim-Uachdar nam bò |
As far as Drumochter of the cattle |
Gidheadh, anns na n-Eileanan Siar |
Nevertheless in the Western Isles |
'Si fhathast ann ciad chàinnt an t'sloigh |
She is still the mother tongue of the people |