Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Chì mi, chì mi, chì mi thallad |
I see, I see, I see yonder |
Chì mi na fèidh air a' bhearradh |
I see the deer on the slope |
Sèist: |
Chorus: |
Ho rì him bo hill o horo ho |
Ho rì him bo hill o horo ho |
Ho rì him bo hìrì dhiù |
Ho rì him bo hìrì dhiù |
Ho rì him bo hill o horo ho |
Ho rì him bo hill o horo ho |
Chì mi na fèidh air a' bhearradh |
I see the deer on the slope |
'S an giòmanach fhèin 'nan deaghaidh |
With the hunter himself following them |
Ho rì him bo hill o horo ho |
Ho ri him bo hill o horo ho |
'S an giòmanach fhèin 'nan deaghaidh |
With the hunter himself following them |
Le ghunna caol 's le bhreacan baraich |
With his slender gun and his flowing plaid |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Le ghunna caol 's le bhreacan baraich |
With his slender gun and his flowing plaid |
Dìreadh bheann 's a' teàrnadh ghleannan |
Climbing hills and coming down glens |
Ho rì him bo hill o horo ho |
Ho ri him bo hill o horo ho |
Dìreadh bheann 's a' teàrnadh ghleannan |
Climbing hills and coming down glens |
Dh'fhàg thu an damh donn gun anail |
You left the brown stag lifeless |
Dh'fhàg thu an damh donn gun anail |
You left the brown stag lifeless |
Anns an fhraoch a' sìleadh faladh |
In the heather, pouring with blood |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Anns an fhraoch a' sìleadh faladh |
In the heather, pouring with blood |
Bha do mhial-choin sgìth 'ga leanailt |
Your deerhounds were tired out following it |
Ho rì him bo hill o horo ho |
Ho ri him bo hill o horo ho |
Bha do mhial-choin sgìth 'ga leanailt |
Your deerhounds were tired out following it |
'S bha na gillean sgìth 'ga tharrainn |
Your gillies were tired out dragging it |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
'S bha na gillean sgìth 'ga tharrainn |
Your gillies were tired out dragging it |
'M beul an aonaich tighinn go baile |
At the edge of the hill coming home |
Ho rì him bo hill o horo ho |
Ho ri him bo hill o horo ho |
'M beul an aonaich tighinn go baile |
At the edge of the hill coming home |
Bhon am faighte biadh gun ghainne |
Where food is to be got, without stinting |
(Sèist...) |
(Chorus...) |