Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Talitha MacKenzie > Sólas > Hoireann O

Sólas Hoireann O
Credits: Traditional; English lyrics by Talitha MacKenzie; arranged by Talitha MacKenzie & Chris Birkett
Appears On: Sólas
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) & English
Other Versions: "Hoireann O" on Mouth Music's album Mo-Di
"Chaidh Am Bata Sios An Rubha" on Rachel Walker's album Fon Reul-Sholus

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Hoireann ó ho hì dhiù o Hoireann ó ho hì dhiù o
Hi ùrabh o ró hug éileadh Hi ùrabh o ró hug éileadh
Hoireann ó ho hì dhiù o Hoireann ó ho hì dhiù o
Chì mi 'm bàta seach an rubha I see the boat passing the point
'S i 'na siubhal fo làn-éideadh She is moving under full sail
'S àrd a chluinntear fuaim a daraich Loudly is heard the sound of the oaken planks
'S i 'na deannaibh tro'n chaol Shléibhteach She is racing through the Sound of Sleat
'S àrd a chluinntear fuaim a cupla Loudly is heard the sound of the shrouds
Air muir guchagach ag éirigh As she rises up on the foaming sea
You've left me here and gone to sea
Néill a mhic 's na hó ró
With only my thoughts to comfort me
Néill a mhic 's na hó ró
Your sweet words linger in my memory
Néill a mhic 's na hó ró
Bidh i an tir Mhic Nìll fo latha We will be in MacNeill country by sundown
'S fir 'ga caitheamh as an léintean The men working away in their linen shirts
Bidh an stiùir an làimh mo leannain It will be my lover's hand on the tiller
'Oganach deas fearail feucannt A skillful youth, manly and handsome
Bidh an stiùir an làimh nan gillean The young men's hands will be on the tiller
O 's iad fhéin as binne dh'éibheas Oh they sing out so melodiously
In my dreams you're coming home
Néill a mhic 's na hó ró
I hear your voice, I feel your glow
Néill a mhic 's na hó ró
You're with me everywhere I go
Néill a mhic 's na hó ró
Suidheamaid 's faigheamaid botal Let's sit and get a bottle
'S òlamaid deoch air a chéile And let's drink to one another
Suidheamaid 's gabhamaid òran ___
'S biomaid ag òl air a chéile ___
Gur ann orm tha sgrìob na pòige I have a premonition of kissing
'S cha n-eil sòlas orm mu déidhinn But it doesn't give me any comfort
Bho nach faighinn pòg mo leannain Because I won't get my lover's kisses
Ge b'e cala an dian e éirigh Whatever harbor he enters