Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Reeltime > Live It Up > Buachaill Ón Eirne

Live It Up Buachaill Ón Eirne
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Reeltime
Appears On: Live It Up
Language: Gaeilge (Irish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "Buachaill Ón Éirne" on Anúna's album Cynara
"Buachaill On Eirne" on Clannad's album Macalla

Lyrics: English Translation:
Buachaill ón Éirne mé I'm a boy from Ireland
'S bhréagfainn féin cailín deas óg And I could charm a nice young girl
Ní iarrfainn bó spré léi I would not ask for her wealth
Tá mé féin saibhir go leor As I am rich enough myself
'S liom Corcaigh a mhéid é I own a good part of Cork
Dhá thaobh an ghleanna 's Tír Eoghain Two sides of the glen in Tir Eoghain
'S mura nathrái mé béasa And not to repeat myself
'S mé an t-oidhre ar Chontae Mhaigh Eo I'm the heir of County Mayo
Rachaidh mé amárach I will go tomorrow
A dheanamh leanna fán choill To make ale in the wood
Gan choite gan bhád Without a cot, without a boat
Gan gráinn'n brach ar bith liom Without a pinch of gruel with me
Ach duilliúr na gcraobh But leaves of the branches
Mar éide leap ós mó chionn As bedclothes over my head
'S ófó sheacht m'anam déag thú And think well done for you
'S tú feachaint orm anall As you watch me from over there
Buachailleacht bó mó leo A cowherd, my pet
Nár chleacht mise riamh I've never been accustomed to be
Ach ag imirt 's ag ól Instead of playing and drinking
Le hógmhná deasa ón sliabh With the nice young women on the mountainside
Ma chaill mé mó stór If I lost my riches
Ní móide gur chaill mé mo chiall I probably didn't lose my senses
Is ní mo liom do phóg ná 'n bhróg And your kiss is no more to me
Táim caitheamh le bliain Now than a shoe worn for a year
A chuisle 's a stór My darling and my love
Ná pós an seanduine liath Don't marry the gray old man
Ach pós an féar óg, mó leo But marry a young man, my pet
Mura maire sé ach bliain If he only lives but a year
Nó beidh tú go f'óill Or you will be
Gan ó nó mac ós dó chionn Without a descendant to succeed you
A shilfeadh aon deoir ort And you'd shed sorrowful tears
Trathnóna nó ar maidin go trom From morning 'til night