Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Talitha MacKenzie > Spiorad > Fear A' Bhàta

Spiorad Fear A' Bhàta
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Talitha MacKenzie
Appears On: Spiorad
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "Fear A' Bhàta" on Capercaillie's album Get Out
"Fear A Bhata" on Mairi MacInnes' album This Feeling Inside
"Fhir A' Bhàta" on Eilidh Mackenzie's album Eideadh Na Sgeulachd
"Fear A Bhàta" on Fiona Mackenzie & Arthur Cormack's album Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn!
"Fear A Bhata" by Niamh Parsons on the Gaelic Voices compilation

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Fhir a' bhàta, 's na ho ro eile Oh boatman, 's na ho ro eile
Fhir a' bhàta, 's na ho ro eile Oh boatman, 's na ho ro eile
Fhir a' bhàta, 's na ho ro eile Oh boatman, 's na ho ro eile
Mo shoraidh slàn leat 's gach àit' an téid thu My best wishes go with you wherever you may be
Is tric mi 'sealltainn o'n chnoc a's àirde I'm often searching on the highest hilltop
Dh'fheuch am faic mi fear a' bhàta Trying to find the boatman
An tig thi an diùigh no'n tig thu a-màireach? Will you come tonight or tomorrow?
'S mur tig thu idir gur truagh a tà mi If you don't come at all, I'll be distraught
Tha mo chridhe-sa briste, brùite My heart is broken, bruised
'S tric na deòir a' ruith o m' shùilean Often tears are running down my cheeks
An tig thu a-nochd no'm bi mo dhùil riut Will you come tonight or will I wait up for you
No'n dùin mi'n dorus le osna thùrsaich? But close the door, sighing heavily?
'S tric mi 'faighneachd de luchd nam bàta Often I'm asking the boatmen
Am fac' iad thu no 'bheil thu sàbhailt' If they've seen you or if you're safe
Ach 's ann a tha gach aon dhiùbh 'g ràitinn But everyone of them there says
Gur gòrach mise ma thug mi gràdh dhut That I am a fool to give my love to you