Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mac-talla > ...Mairidh Gaol Is Ceol > Griogal Cridhe

...Mairidh Gaol Is Ceol Griogal Cridhe
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Mac-talla
Appears On: ...Mairidh Gaol Is Ceol
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "Griogal Cridhe" on Ishbel MacAskill's album Essentially Ishbel
"Griogal Cridhe" on Fiona Mackenzie & Arthur Cormack's album Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn!
"Griogair" on Talitha MacKenzie's album Spiorad
"Beloved Gregor" on Whistlebinkies' album Inner Sound

Lyrics: English Translation:
Moch maduinn air Latha Lunasd' Early morning on Lammas Day
Mi sugradh mar ri m'ghradh I sported with my love
Ach mu'n tainig meadhon latha But by midday
Bha mo chridhe air a chradh My heart was wounded
'S iomadh oidhche fhliuch is thioram Many a night both wet and dry
Sìde nan seachd sian Weather of the seven elements
Gheibheadh Griogal dhòmhsa creagan Gregor would find for me a rocky shelter
Ris an gabhainn dian Where I would take refuge
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Obhan, obhan, obhan iri Obhan, obhan, obhan iri
Obhan iri o Obhan iri o
Obhan, obhan, obhan iri Obhan, obhan, obhan iri
'S mòr mo mhulad, 's mòr Great is my sorrow, great
Nuair bhios mnathan òg a' bhaile While the young wives of the town
Nochd 'nan cadal sèimh Serenely sleep tonight
'S ann bhios mise air bruaich do lice I will be at the edge of your gravestone
Bualadh mo dhà làimh Beating my two hands
Chan eil ùbhlan idir agam I do not have any apples at all
'S ùbhlan uil' aig càch While others have all the apples
'S ann tha m'ubhal cùbhraidh caineal But my apple is fragrant, spicy
'Cùl a' chinn ri làr The back of his head to the floor
Obhan, obhan, obhan Obhan, obhan, obhan