Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Whistlebinkies > Inner Sound > Beloved Gregor

Inner Sound Beloved Gregor
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Whistlebinkies
Appears On: Inner Sound
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "Griogal Cridhe" on Ishbel MacAskill's album Essentially Ishbel
"Griogal Cridhe" on Fiona Mackenzie & Arthur Cormack's album Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn!
"Griogair" on Talitha MacKenzie's album Spiorad
"Griogal Cridhe" on Mac-talla's album ...Mairidh Gaol Is Ceol

Lyrics: English Translation:
'S iomadh oidhche fhliuch is thioram Many a night, wet and dry
Sìde nan seachd sian Or in the worst of weather
Gheibheadh Griogal dhomhsa creagan Gregor would find a rock for me
Ris an gabhainn dìon Where I would take shelter
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Òbhan, òbhan, òbhan iri Ovan, ovan, ovan iri
Òbhan iri ò Ovan iri o
Òbhan, òbhan, òbhan iri Ovan, ovan, ovan iri
'S mór mo mhulad's mòr Great is my sorrow, great
Dhìrich mi dh'an t-seòmar mhullaich I climbed to the room above
'S theirinn mi'n taigh-làir And I went down to the room below
'S cha d'fhuair mise Griogal cridhe But I did not find beloved Gregor
'Na shuidhe mu'n chlàr Seated by the table
Eudail mhóir, a shluaigh an Domhain Most loved of all the people of the world
Dhòirt iad t'fhuil an dè They spilled your blood yesterday
'S chuir iad do cheann air stob daraich And they put your head on a stake of oak
Tacan beag bho d'chré A short distance from your body
B'annsa bhi le Griogal cridhe I would rather be with beloved Gregor
Teàrnadh chruidh le gleann Looking after cattle in the glen
Na le Baran mór na Dalach Than with the great Baron of Dull
Sìoda geal mu'm cheann Wearing white silk around my head
Cha n'eil ùbhlan idir agam I have no apples at all
'S ùbhlan uil' aig càch Like all the apples which others have
'S ann tha m'ùbhlan cùbhr' ri caineil My apples are as fragrant as cinnamon
'S cùl an cinn ri làr And the back of their heads on the ground
'Nuair a bhios mnàthan òg' a'bhaile When the young women of the town
'Nochd nan cadal sèimh Are sleeping peacefully tonight
'S ann bhios mis' air bruaich do lice I shall be beside your tomb
'Bualadh mo dhà làimh Striking my two hands