Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mouth Music > Mouth Music > Air Fail A Lail O

Mouth Music Air Fail A Lail O
Credits: Arranged by Martin Swan
Appears On: Mouth Music
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "Am Buachaille Ban" on Back Of The Moon's album Back Of The Moon
"Am Buachaille Ban" on Capercaillie's album Crosswinds
"Am Buachaille Bàn" on Cliar's album Gun Tàmh
"Ochòin A Righ Gura Tinn Mo Galar An Gràdh" on Fiona Mackenzie's album Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn!
"Ochoin A Righ, Gur Tinn An Galair An Gradh" on Margaret Stewart & Allan MacDonald's album Fhuair Mi Pog

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus:
Air fail a lail ó, horó, air fail a lail é Air fail a lail ó, horó, air fail a lail é
Air fail a lail ó, horó, air fail a lail é Air fail a lail ó, horó, air fail a lail é
Air fail a lail ó, horó, air fail a lail é Air fail a lail ó, horó, air fail a lail é
Fail i fail ó, horó, air fail a lail é Fail i fail ó, horó, air fail a lail é
A bhuachaille bhàin Oh fair-haired lad
Mas aìll leat labhairt air thùs If you say the word
Gura leat-sa gun dàil mo làmh Yours is my right hand, right away
Ma thig thu le mùirn If you come with affection
Gur truagh mar a tà Isn't it a pity
Nach do thàrladh mis' agus thu That you and I did not meet
Ann an eilein gun tràigh On an island without ebbtide
Gun ràmh gun choite gun stiùir Without oar, without coracle, without rudder
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Ma théid thu air sàil, a ghràidh If you go to sea, love
Biodh gini ad' phòc Have a guinea in your pocket
Is òl mo dheach-slàint gach àit' And drink my health in every place
An suidh thu mun bhòrd That you sit at table
Le d' chridhe geal, eudrom With your heart bright, light
Éibhneach, aighearach, òg Joyous, high-spirited, young
Gur toil liom am beul How do I like the mouth
O'm binn a thigeadh an ceòl From which music comes most sweetly
Gur tiol liom an deud 's am beul I love the teeth and the mouth
Nach labhradh le sgraing That would not grumble
Bhith sìnte ri m' thaobh How I wish that you would come to me
A ghaoil, nan digeadh tu ann And stretch out by my side
Mur bhiodh luchd nam breug If it were not for the gossips
Bha m' eudail 's mise gun taing My love and I would surely be
Le òrdugh na cléir With the blessing of the clergy
Le chéile 'n ceangal gu teann Together in a firm bond
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Nan robh mis' is thu am beinn Oh if you and I were on a mountain
No'm monadh no'n sliabh Hill, or shady slope
No air an tràigh bhàin an àit' Or on a white beach, in a place
Nach robh duine riamh Where no one has ever been
Seachd oidhche, seachd là Seven days, seven nights
Gun tàmh gun chadal gun bhiadh Without rest, without sleep, without food
Ach thus' a bhith 'ghràidh But with you, love
'S do làmh gheal tharam gu fial Your fair arm freely 'round me
(Sèist 2x) (Chorus 2x)